Support and Service

How to use my plan?

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY the beneficiary must contact our Call Center regardless of his/her geographic location. Please indicate Full Name, Voucher Number, Assistance Plan, Current Location, Telephone Number, and Reason for Assistance.

You should always:

Request and obtain approval from BMI Travel (BMITA) Assistance Center prior to take any step or before committing to any expenditure related to the benefits provided by the Assistance Plan. To contact the Assistance Center please refer to the telephone number of the country where you are located, or you can use any of the following contact ways:

Note: If you are in country where do not have a toll free number, please call through the international operator of the country where you are requesting a Collect Call to +(1)954-349-2547

If the beneficiary requires immediate medical attention due to a situation that may endanger his life, please go to the medical provider closest to where you are located, then you must contact the Assistance Center within 24 hours following its occurrence. These cases will be submitted for reimbursement after an investigation.

Accept the solutions indicated by the Assistance Center, and should the case require it, consent to repatriation to the country of origin as per medical opinion, based on the health status of beneficiary.

Provide documentation that confirms the origin of the case, and any original expense receipts to be examined for eventual reimbursement by BMITA, as well as any medical information (including any before the trip), which will allow the Assistance Center to assess the case. If it is required by BMITA, the beneficiary shall grant authorization to disclose his/her medical history, by completing the RECORD RELEASE FORM sent by the Assistance Center and returning it via fax. Likewise, the beneficiary completely and irrevocably authorizes BMITA to request in his or her behalf any medical information from professionals, both, overseas and from his/her country of residence, in order to evaluate and eventually decide on the applicability of the restrictions in cases of chronic or preexisting conditions, or the illness that led to the assistance.

Provide BMITA with the airfare ticket/s in the beneficiary possession in those cases where BMITA covers the difference between the original airfare ticket/s and the newly issued one/s, or when BMITA proceeds to the repatriation of the beneficiary, whatever the reason may be.

IN CASE OF LOST LUGGAGE follow these instructions:

  • Immediately after loss of luggage is confirmed, go to the airline or person within the same area responsible for receiving the luggage, and request and fill the P.I.R. (Property Irregularity Report) Form.
  • Before leaving the airport, contact BMITA’s Call Center by phone in order to report the loss of your luggage.
  • Upon return to your country of origin, submit the following documents to the BMITA office:
    • Original P.I.R. (Baggage Claim Loss) Form
    • I.D. Document or Passport
    • BMI Travel Assistance Voucher
    • Copy of the receipt of the airline’s compensation
    • Airfare Ticket/s